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How To Prevent and Treat Arthritis Pain with Nutritional Medicine

Jan 01, 2024
By Ronald J. Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N, MS

How often have you said to yourself, "there must be an answer to this terrible pain. You know the pain, wake up in the morning with that awful stiffness, you can hardly lift your head off the pillow, turning over in bed… forget it.. The pain... oh the pain... With great frustration, you attempt to take that first step toward the bathroom. Your knees hurt? I know the pain.

I really do! Just the simple task of lifting your toothbrush has become a lesson in self-motivation. Why is this happening to me?? This is absolutely ridiculous!! Hahn!! the shower!! Feels so good!! Hot water over my aching bones gives me some immediate relief, but oh how I wish I could keep that pleasant "no-pain" feeling all day long. Why in the world did I ever purchase a home with an upstairs bedroom? OK it is time… I have to make my way down the stairs.

I think I can muster enough strength to slowly transport my body to the main floor. Here I go! First and second step not too bad. Ouch!! Did someone sneak up behind me a stab me in my right knee with a knife? No blood!! Darn arthritis in my knees. Like this everyday... I dread it! I hate it! Hoping today might be different but unfortunately it's not! Just think about it. I have to climb the stairs later on today. I guess I will just have to grin and bear it. Been doing that for 18 months now! No real change. My doctor has ordered all types of tests, x-rays, blood tests, MRI, nerve tests. You name it and I probably have had it. My doctor says I have arthritis. Shows up on my x-rays and MRI.

I remember so vividly sitting in the office of a rheumatologist. You know who this is, don't you? A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in arthritis. As I sit patiently waiting for the doctors "grand entrance" I contemplate what he is going to do for me. I pray that just maybe he has an answer…just maybe.

I see the door beginning to open and without much hesitation, Dr. S (no need to give names) greets me and begins to ask a few questions. Where does it hurt? How long have you had the pain? What type of treatments have you had? Right about this time, Dr. S gets up out of his chair and "kinda" pokes around my neck, back, knee, shoulders and ask if this hurts and if that hurts. Believe it or not his probing did not really cause me any pain but ask me to get up and try to squat down or reach behind my back. Now that is a different story! Do you think he had me do that?? Of course not! As quick as you can count to 100, Dr. S had his hand on the doorknob and simply said, “yep, you have arthritis, get this prescription filled and see me in 3 months.” Three months??!! What if this doesn't work (did not say that out loud.. just thinking out loud).