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Genioplasty, or chin surgery, can be performed in conjunction with orthognathic (jaw) surgery to optimize your facial balance. It may also be done as a sole procedure if you are unhappy with the position or three-dimensional shape of your chin.

Cheekbone or perinasal augmentation can be done to improve a flat facial profile. Augmentation materials include autogenous bone or bio-inert synthetic materials.

Facial asymmetries following a traumatic event, previous surgery or due to a congenital deformity (present since birth) can often be addressed surgically by augmenting or reducing one side of the face and/or jaws.

Submental liposuction is the removal of excess adipose tissue (fat) from the triangular area under the chin, reducing the double chin appearance. The procedure is performed using very small cannulas inserted through incisions hidden under the chin; no noticeable scars are expected in the long-term.

Buccal fat pad reduction allows for a reduction in cheek mass, most desirable for individuals who seek a slight to moderate narrowing of a round face. It is an in-office procedure performed intra-orally under local anesthesia or intravenous sedation.